Lymphatic Massage
Our Lymphatic system can easily become stagnant from dehydration, fatigue, stress, infection, etc and can result in water retention, cellulite, chronic pain, and fatty deposits. A sluggish lymphatic system can also be the cause of chronic sinusitis, swollen glands, ankles and eyes, upper respiratory problems, throat problems, colds and pneumonia.
The technique helps manually accelerate lymph flow with gentle and steady extremely light pumping toward the heart.
Precautions & Contraindications: Massage can be very therapeutic for many medical conditions. However, in some cases it is best to obtain a written doctors referral. Massage therapists, may not, under the written law, attempt to diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us for more information.
Additional Tip: May want to avoid eating a heavy meal before a massage.
Contraindications to Receiving Massage Therapy: Massage treatment is relaxing and natural. It is generally considered a safe treatment for most people however, there are three types of “Contraindications” where massage could be provided but may be limited or, massage is not recommended at that time.